28th January 1945

Sunday 28th January 1945 saw improved weather, but very low temperatures. 174 Squadron again flew two operations in the afternoon and evening with RB396 and Plt Off Frank Johnson departing B.80 at Volkel for an Armed Reconosance in the Munster area of North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany. The six Typhoons of 174 Squadron, of which RB396 and Plt Off Johnson were again Red 2, crossed the border into Germany near Winterswijk, Holland and found that the cloud covered had increased to 9/10ths below them at about 6000′. They pressed on but the cloud meant that their recce area was obscured. Turning to the north-west and their secondary target of Vreden in North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany, they found Vreden was also covered by cloud.

Gun Camera footage from a 609 Squadron aircraft attacking a train.

With no other option, the order was given to return to base. On route back to B.80, Red Section attacked two railway trucks and a railway shed which they claimed as damaged. All aircraft returned safely to B.80 after a sortie lasting 1 hour and 15 minutes.


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