7th March 1945

174 and 184 Squadrons departed B.80 Volkel at 14:50 for an Armed Reconnaissance to the Borken area, 174 was led by F/L D.C. Nott with Plt Off Frank Johnson and RB396 flying as Yellow 2. They patrolled further into Germany and found a train in the station at Darfeld (Frank’s logbook differs from the squadron ORB in that he said the station they attacked was at Haltern, Germany, which is further to the north of Darfeld). Both squadrons of Typhoons attack the train, which Frank noted was “intense light flak”. The two squadrons claimed 3 trucks destroyed in the attack.

A 609 Squadron Typhoon’s rockets heading towards a train in the railway station at Frielingen, west of Soltau Germany. Image IWM C 5223

Turning for home, as they flew back over Borken, the spotted a formation of MET (Mechanised Enemy Transport) hiding in some woods. Again when both squadrons attacked, they were met with light flak but they managed to destroy 2 vehicles.

All aircraft returned to B.80 at Volkel safely after a sortie that lasted 1 hour and 25 minutes.

But there was no rest for the wicked as all at Volkel then had to complete a practice pack-up. The wing would soon be on the move again.


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