8th-13th March 1945

The weather once again closed in at B.80 Volkel. While this meant that all operations were cancelled, the weather was such that 174 Squadron’s pilots, Plt Off Frank Johnson and RB396 included, could get some time in on the practice range to hone their skills. This would be vital with major Allied operations planned for later in March.

A “railway cut” meant exactly that, an enemy railway line was spotted and attacked so that the line is “cut” or made unusable to the enemy. Image IWM C 4725

On the 13th March, 174 Squadron did manage to fly an operation, without Frank and RB396, but the weather once again hampered the operation. In conjunction with 184 Squadron again, they cut a railway and returned to B.80 at Volkel.

RB396, with Plt Off Frank Johnson at her controls, would next fly together on the 19th March.


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