First major donation

Screen Shot 2017-04-12 at 13.13.47The project is extremely pleased to have received our first major donation. The donation was received from “Ebeni” who provide Dynamic & innovative engineering solutions for Safety Critical Systems. The donation comes after TECT Chairman, Alex Wood, who has been in regular contact with the project recommended us to Ebeni, his new employer now that he has left the RAF. Ebeni run a scheme whereby they donate a proportion of their profit to charity and ask their employees for recommendations. We were lucky enough to be chosen by Ebeni and as such have received this, our first four figure donation. We are extremely grateful to Ebeni and to Alex Wood for facilitating the donation.

This donation comes at a very useful time for the project, over the coming weeks we are hoping to move in to a brand new industrial unit where we will establish our phase one visitor centre, not to mention having the entire project on show in one location for the first time. At the same time as this move, we are building up to our first foray as a project in the British Air Show calendar, with a planned presence at many shows throughout the summer. We are currently recruiting volunteers, from within our Supporters’ Club, to assist with manning the stand and being the public face of the project at these shows, helping to spread the word, raise the profile of the Typhoon and generate much needed funding and awareness. If you would like to join the Supporters’ Club and be a part of the project, you can find details here.

This donation will be put towards furthering the charities aims which are:

  1. To preserve and protect a Napier Sabre powered Hawker Typhoon Mk1b aircraft (RB396) and return her to full working order for the benefit of the public and to demonstrate and display her to the public.
  2. To advance the education of the public in Hawker Typhoon aircraft and their crews for the benefit of British Heritage, remembrance and historical knowledge and in particular :
    a. Its associated provenance and historical context,
    b. Its aviation and engineering heritage,
    c. Its significant heritage interest,
    d. Its operational and maintenance procedures and processes,
    e. Its design, engineering and technologies.


Should you or your company be in a position to make the kind of donation Ebeni have towards the project, then we would be most grateful to hear from you. We have a page on our website dedicated to donations, and it can be found here. This project is being funded entirely by public support, donations and sponsorship and every penny of a donation is gratefully received and every penny goes directly to furthering the charity’s aims, not on staff as every member of the team is here on a voluntary basis.




Support us

Would you like to have a direct input on the rebuild? The best way to get started is to become a supporter. You’ll receive some great benefits and most importantly of all, every penny will go into the labour cost of getting RB396 back into the sky.