We have now been accepted and registered for gift aid. Following submission of all the paperwork to the HMRC we received confirmation that we can now claim 25% on top of any membership or donation to the Hawker Typhoon Preservation Group.
Not only are we able to claim gift aid on new memberships and donations but we are also able to retrospectively claim any donations for up to 4 years, which for us means from the inception of the charity. This can make a huge difference to the project as an annual membership could be worth …an additional £6.25 (£31.25) and a lifetime family membership could be worth an incredible £95 (£495) at no extra cost to you. For the current UK membership this could be in the region of an additional £17,000 if everyone were able to acknowledge a gift aid declaration.
If you are a UK tax payer a simple declaration (tick box) when checking out your selection of membership will allow us to claim an additional 25%, to those of you who are already members then we will be sending out a link to our online declaration form to make the declaration as easy as possible.
We will be contacting all members shortly however, if you can’t wait to help or you have made a donation that can be claimed then simply fill in the on-line declaration form on our website ( Please make sure that the date of the donation is entered against the value and if you are able tick the additional box to ”.
Thank you to all members and donors for your continued support, RB could not happen without it.