Public Open Day – July 28th 2019

56 sdn tiffy lense flairThe Hawker Typhoon Preservation Group is pleased to announce that our Public Open Day will be held on Sunday 28th July. This is a chance for everyone who is interested in the restoration of Hawker Typhoon RB396 to come and find out more about the project. Attendees will have the opportunity to chat to the Project Team and be taken through the history of the Hawker Typhoon.

The HTPG’s purpose is to return Hawker Typhoon RB396 to flight as a living memorial to all the men and women who built, flew and fought in Typhoons and especially the 666 pilots who were killed during the Second World War.

Our Uckfield HQ will be open to all ticket holders to look around, meet the team, learn about the project and have your chance to support this unique project. Our shop will be open with the opportunity to join the Supporters’ Club and purchase project merchandise, including our limited D-Day 75 range. There will be a BBQ going on the day too.

This event is open to all who are interested or even just curious, to learn more about the incredible impact Britain’s Forgotten Legend had during the Second World War. The schedule for the days is as follows:

  • Doors open at 1200
  • BBQ available from 1300-1400
  • Welcome from the Project Team and brief Hawker Typhoon and project presentation 1400-1430
  • Close 1500

Members can select a free ticket and will have to show a valid 2019  or Lifetime Supporters’ Club badge or card to gain entry. All General Admission tickets are priced at £5 each and are redeemable for £5 off purchases over £10 in our shop on the day (one ticket per purchase) or one item from the BBQ. Please click the link below to purchase your ticket. We cannot wait to welcome you to Uckfield.

Join The Supporters' Club Today!


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Would you like to have a direct input on the rebuild? The best way to get started is to become a supporter. You’ll receive some great benefits and most importantly of all, every penny will go into the labour cost of getting RB396 back into the sky.