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Donate Labour Time for RB396’s Rebuild

How would you like to accelerate the rebuild of RB396? By donating directly towards to the labour costs of the engineer team you can do just that.


SKU cp_labour-1 Category

The rear fuselage is now restored. The next phase of the project is to prepare the cockpit or tail. You can help the rebuild by donating funds to cover the cost of an engineer working on it.

You can pay for as many hours as you like, from a full week to a day, a few hours or even a round of tea for the team. For donations of 0.5 hours and above you will receive a personalised certificate to commemorate your contribution at this vital stage of RB396’s rebuild. If you are a UK taxpayer you can gift aid your purchase at the cart to increase the labour time you have paid for by 25%.

If you would like to buy a number of hours each month or quarter, please email the shop team with your name and the amount you would like to contribute at [email protected]. The team will then discuss with you the details of how to set up your regular payment.

Select the number of labour hours you want to pay for below and checkout. All donated hours pay for a licensed Airframe Assemblies engineer to dedicate time to RB396. Any excess funds raised will be used on the next section of the rebuild.

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