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go to the rebuild effort

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Plant a memorial tree

  • Plant a memorial tree and sustain the future
  • 666 trees available and you will be allocated a name in sequence from our losses list
  • Specific names available, if not already allocated
  • Option to an an extra donation on top of your purchase
  • Donation product, so eligible for tax relief or Gift Aid



SKU N/A Category

Plant a memorial tree and sustain the future.

There were 666 pilots killed flying Hawker Typhoons during the Second World War. Many died in low level ground attack roles where their fire power aided Allied infantry units advancing against enemy strong points. RB396 will fly to educate the public and be a memorial to their actions, the dedication of the ground crews and those who worked in the factories to build them.

You can create a memorial now by making a donation to dedicate a tree in their memory, with this scheme, which aims to plant one tree for every pilot killed, 666 in total.  Part of your donation will be used to pay for a sapling to be planted in a woodland setting and the remainder to help the rebuild of RB396. You may dedicate as many trees as you wish, and you will be allocated a name in sequence from the list we hold. If you wish to have a specific name (of a pilot killed) remembered, please add this to the order details section at checkout, or contact us. Please note, it will only be possible to allocate a specific name, if that name is still available.

Should you wish to dedicate a tree to someone who is not on the list of those killed in action, or, to a name that is already taken, you may be interested in becoming a project supporter at Gold level or higher. As part of the benefits package with these tiers, a tree is planted and dedicated to any name you wish, as well as a name of your choice added to a dedicated plaque.

This 666 scheme is specifically to plant one tree per pilot killed flying the Typhoon during the Second World War. Donors will receive a certificate to  commemorate their contribution. Please note certificates will be dispatched within 6 weeks of the donation.

Your tree will help to offset carbon emissions involved in the rebuild and operation of RB396, as well as creating a lasting memorial to an heroic pilot killed in pursuit of the freedoms that we enjoy today. It is estimated that one tree in a woodland setting will absorb 250Kg of carbon dioxide over its lifetime.

If you would like to set up a regular contribution then please contact us to discuss.

This is a donation product, therefore if you qualify, please consider adding Gift Aid to your donation at the checkout.